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Welcome to my Website!

last updated: September 1st, 2024

Ontario Legends, Cryptids and the Occult

Hi, I'm TarAnon. I've always been into dark things - you could say i'm a little different from other people... a little more into the macabre... So this site became a place for me to keep all my research on the weird and unexplained things here where i live in Ontario.

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This site changed a little after my friend Mike (RazorZer0 - hi Mike! Sorry to doxx you :D) told me about something crazy that happened less than three hours from where i live. and what he told me sounded like a total lie. but the more i looked into it, the more i started to believe... So now this site is mostly dedicated to researching the events of a new case that I just call Case 258079 for now. Follow that link if you want to join in on the mystery. I even changed my site URL to reference one of the main companies involved in this case... It's becoming an obsession.

I can't be sure, but I get a horrible feeling that it's not over yet. It's been about a year since the last incident. Something is coming again soon...

Links to My Research

please bear with me, i've got a backlog of things to post here!

Click a link below to see entries about my paranormal and occult investigations and research:

  • Case 258079 - an ongoing mystery of cults, experiments, horror and hysteria
  • The Blue Ghost Tunnel in Welland, Ontario - April 2022
  • The Ant Hill Kids in Burnt River, Ontario - February 2021
  • St. Joseph's Villa in Dundas, Ontario - November 2019

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